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What is Diamond Dermabrasion

Operational principle
Diamond dermabrasion, equipped with world-patent diamond dermabrasion tube studded with diamond particles on the end, is used to remove the necrotic cells and stratum corneum in the skin by means of friction in combination with vacuum aspirator exercising control over suction force. Beauty machine manufacturer can be used to improve the skin quality, clear up the pigmentation and acne scars, and prevent the skin from aging and harshness etc caused by acnes, age spots and solarization.      
Features of dermabrasion instrument
1. Adjusting the skin quality and re-building healthy skin; 
2. Improving the piled aging cutin, harshness and aging skin; 
3. Improving the skin wrinkle and chalodermia; 
4. Removing the skin spots;  
5. Improving the enlarged pores, acne scars and depressed scars; 
6. Activate the blood circulation and metabolism;  
7. No stimulus, stabbing pain and anesthesia;  
8. Suitable for all types of skins, including sensitive skin;  
9. Fix the skin in the physical and mechanical way, with easy operation, perfect safety and reliability, without side effect;  
10. Get effect instantly; 
11. Recover rapidly, with a time period of about 5 to 7 days; 
12. No effect on the work and social intercourse after care;
Functions of dermabrasion instrument
1.Treat the skin with acnes and acne scars;  
2.Treat the dry skin; 
3.Treat the skin with wrinkle and chalodermia; 
4.Treat the skin being tarnished or with uneven color; 
5.Treat the skin with melanin pigmentation; 
Diamond dermabrasion can activate, repair and restore the dermis.